INKtober 2016, Day 21: Brainsick Poster 14x17 technical pen with acrylic ink and white gel pen on smooth bristol paper |
2012 concept for a Brainsick poster. |
Pencil draft on 14x17 smooth bristol paper. |
This paper is OLD; I bought it from Walker's Office Supplies during high school! Working on this stuff reminds me of why I prefer to use watercolor paper for my tech pen illustrations: the ink appears more vibrant and holds detail more easily than on bristol paper.
Big Head and Rant above; Finch and Human Paranoid below.
First section to be inked: Hallucinavian Finch, Finch, and Human Paranoid. |
I used up my first Palomino Blackwing! |
Big Head is Finch's biggest fan, so I had to draw them together. |
I rediscovered my Magic Rub Peel-Off eraser stick! |
Big Head is a Singapura mix; used lots of reference to draw his face at this angle! |
My ancient laptop is still useful! |
The Snake God is based off of pythons and boas. |
Big Head is done! I used a Pilot G-Tec-C for his fur. |
Progress on the Snake so far! |
I added Twitch on a whim. As the secondary antagonist, he's kinda important. |
Adding the Snake's scales. |
Using previous Inktober work as reference! |
Full-view progress shot. |
Rant comes to life! |
Fieran's design is finalized (mostly) at long last!
Chestan: "Why do you keep sniffing my ear, Depravity?" |
Aaah, much better. |
What's missing? ...ah, yes. Chestan's acne. Sorry, kid.
Depravity coming to life in four stages!
Fixed Anne's pose using a mirror. |
Char Coal gets an update. |
Auto-photobomb progress shot. |
Decay fully inked. |
Anne fully inked. I still think she looks a little too nice... |
I brushed in much of Char's feathers with acrylic ink.
Tech pens are wonderful, but they can scratch paper - especially old bristol sheets!
Protecting the rest of the illustration with another sheet of bristol. |
I stood up to ink Celeste's wings. |
This is the largest illustration I've ever completed during an INKtober run - and my largest technical pen piece to date! Many characters are missing, so there's always an opportunity for me to revisit this poster concept. Challenge accepted - in the future. :D