Tetsuo belongs to none other than Katsuhiro Otomo. |
There is a Tumblr known as
Fanart Friday that, despite my rarely drawing fanart, inspired me to draw something from
Akira. Having only discovered it this year, I can say with utmost enthusiasm that it is one of my favorite films; the six-volume manga is just as breathtaking. Katsuhiro's visions are graphic and uncompromising, boiling down to "this is some of the best inspiration I've had in ages."
Next month marks the start of Inktober, and I want to take a couple scenes and adapt them as ink pieces. I made this 3-5 minute sketch strictly for practice from a production cel.
For Inktober, I'll focus mainly on
Brainsick and
Legacy art. I'm itching to get back to my inks!